Environmental Resource Permits
Effective June 28, 2024, Chapter 62-330, FAC and ERP AH Vols. I & II were amended to include new water quality performance standards and supporting calculations specified in Section 8.0, Criteria for Evaluation, and Section 9.0, Stormwater Quality Treatment Evaluations, ERP AH Vol. I, respectively. In addition, there are amendments to the requirements of Section 12.0, Operation and Maintenance Requirements and Section 3.1.2, “Grandfathering Activities”, ERP AH Vol. I.
All project applications are subject to the amended rules, as follows:
- Unless specifically “grandfathered” per Section 3.1.2, ERP AH Vol. I (effective date 06/28/24), all project applications are subject to the new rules effective 06/28/24.
- Section 3.1.2.(e)4, ERP AH Vol. I, specific to the amended stormwater criteria in Sections 8.0 and 9.0, provides a “grandfathering” provision for general or individual permit applications. These applications must be deemed complete, on or before December 28, 2025, to be exempt from Sections 8.0 & 9.0, ERP AH Vol. I and the ERP AH Vol. II, effective 06/28/24.
- There is no specific “grandfathering” provision for new conceptual approval applications. These applications must meet all the provisions stipulated in the amended rules, unless the project qualifies for the “grandfathering” provisions outlined in Sections 3.1.2.(e)1 – 3 & (f)-(i), (effective date 06/28/24).
Pre-Application Meetings
Scheduling a pre-application meeting with SFWMD staff is free, saves time and could result in quicker permit processing time. Project specifics can be discussed during the meeting. Staff will answer questions, offer suggestions and inform applicants what information is required for permit approval. To schedule a pre-application meeting, email erpreapp@sfwmd.gov and complete the Pre-Application Meeting Request Form.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance with Environmental Resource Permits, scroll to the bottom of this page and select from the Contacts & Locations menu.
An Environmental Resource Permit is required for development or construction activities to prevent flooding, protect the water quality of Florida's lakes and streams from stormwater pollution, and protect wetlands and other surface waters. The South Florida Water Management District regulates residential and commercial developments, roadway construction and agriculture; while the Florida Department of Environmental Protection oversees power plants, ports, wastewater treatment plants and single-family home projects.
This type of permit is needed for:
- Dredging and filling in wetlands or surface waters
- Constructing flood protection facilities
- Providing storm water containment and treatment
- Site grading
- Building dams or reservoirs
- Other activities affecting state waters
For assistance with RegPermitting or ePermitting, please contact the RegPermitting Hotline at (561) 682-2281 or regpermitting@sfwmd.gov.
Section 403.814(12) of the Florida Statutes grants general permits for the construction, alteration and maintenance of a stormwater management system serving a project that involves qualifying activities in uplands having less than 10 acres of total project area and less than two acres of impervious surface. This general permit requires submittal of an "electronic self-certification" before construction begins.
The "electronic self-certification" requirement can be satisfied through use of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) self-certification portal at www.fldepportal.com/go. While use of DEP's portal is not required by Florida law, it is available as a convenience to all qualifying entities, regardless of whether notice of the activity normally would be submitted to a water management district (WMD), the DEP or a delegated local government. Use of the DEP portal ensures that the certification will be received in a timely manner, directed to appropriate staff within the DEP, WMD and local government and automatically archived. It also will provide you with confirmation that DEP received the certification, which you may print and retain for your records.
You may submit an alternative electronic certification directly to the applicable agency, in accordance with the Operating Agreements in effect between DEP, the WMDs and delegated local governments. However, if you do, you assume all risks that your alternative notice is sent to the correct agency and that it meets all the provisions of s. 403.814(12), F.S.
There are three types of ERP's: General Permits, Conceptual Approval Permits, and Individual Permits. General Permits and smaller Individual Permits are authorized by District staff. Individual Permits for a project area over 100 acres, or with more than 10 acres of wetland impacts, or more than 30 boat slips are issued by the District's Executive Director. See Chapter 62-330, F.A.C., Applicant's Handbook Volume I and Applicant's Handbook Volume II for a complete discussion of the ERP program, including forms.
Additionally, a General Permit under subsection 403.814(12), F.S. is available for qualifying activities in uplands having less than 10 acres of total project area and less than two acres of impervious surface. This general permit requires submittal of an "electronic self-certification before construction begins. The "electronic self-certification" requirement can be satisfied through use of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection's (DEP) self-certification portal at www.fldepportal.com/go.
In reviewing your application, we are required to weigh whether the proposed activity will, among other things:
- Cause adverse flooding to on-site or off-site property
- Cause adverse water quality and quantity impacts
- Cause adverse impacts to wetlands, fish or wildlife
- Adversely affect public health, safety and welfare
- Impair navigation or surface water flows
- Adversely affect nearby fishing or recreational uses
If your proposed activities would impact wetlands, you will be asked to compensate for those impacts by preserving, restoring, enhancing or creating wetlands either on your property or at an appropriate off-site mitigation location, or by purchasing credits from a mitigation bank. Monitoring of mitigation wetlands is required to ensure their survival and ability to replicate functions of natural wetlands. See Section 10.0 of the ERP Applicant's Handbook Volume I for more information.
Related Links
- Florida Statutes – Chapter 373
- Florida Administrative Codes
- SWERP: Environmental Resource Permitting Manual [PDF]
- Applicant’s Handbook Volume I (effective 12/22/20)
- Applicant’s Handbook Volume I (effective 06/28/24)
- Applicant’s Handbook Volume I (E-O) (effective 12/22/20)
- Applicant’s Handbook Volume II (effective 05/22/16)
- Applicant’s Handbook Volume II (effective 06/28/24)
- FAQs [PDF]
Environmental Resource Permit Compliance
The South Florida Water Management District is mandated by provisions of Chapter 373, F.S. to provide periodic compliance inspections for Environmental Resource Permits (ERPs). The Legislative intent is to ensure conformity with the approved plans and specifications and to protect the public health and safety, and the natural resources of the state.
The Environmental Resource Compliance (ERC) Bureau is tasked with providing compliance and enforcement services relating to both permitted and non-permitted projects. Some of the services provided include:
- Pre-construction meetings
- Construction inspections of permitted projects
- Review of Construction Completion Certifications
- Environmental mitigation and monitoring
- Investigation and resolution of public complaints
- Surveillance for unpermitted works
- Enforcement actions including documentation, notification and resolution
- Above Ground Impoundment Program
- Operable Structure Program
- Coordination with local governments
- Emergency Management coordination and response
Related Documents:
Sovereign Submerged Lands
If a proposed activity involves work in adjacent water bodies (e.g., Intracoastal Waterway, Lake Okeechobee), SFWMD will generally request a title determination from the State of Florida about claim to the submerged lands.
If the State claims title to the submerged lands, the District will also process any required authorizations from the State of Florida for use of the submerged lands. These authorizations can include consents of use, easements and leases; and must be processed concurrently with the ERP application. (See sections 253.77, 373.422 and 373.427, F.S.; and Chapter 18-21, F.A.C.)
Environmental Resource Permitting Forms
Environmental Resource Permitting Fees
Fees for Environmental Resource Permits vary depending on the type of activity and the size of the project area. more »
Contacts & Locations
- RegPermitting Help
(561) 682-2281
- Permit Transfers and Property Matters
Elizabeth Veguilla
(561) 682-6739
- Governing Board Agenda
Lisandra Jones
(561) 682-6948
- Permit Copies
Paige Koch
(561) 682-6911
- Pre-Application Meeting
- Pre-Construction Meeting
- All Counties
Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties
SFWMD Headquarters
Building B-1
3301 Gun Club Road
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Phone: (561) 682-6736
- Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Lee counties
Fort Myers Service Center
2301 McGregor Blvd.
Fort Myers, FL 33901
Phone: (239) 338-2929
- Glades, Highlands, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie counties
Okeechobee Service Center
316 NW 5th Street
Okeechobee, FL 34972
Phone: (863) 462-5260
- Orange, Osceola and Polk counties
Orlando Service Center
7345 Greenbriar Parkway
Orlando, FL 32819
Phone: (407) 858-6100
- Broward, Miami-Dade, Monroe and Palm Beach counties
Gary Priest, P.E.
Phone: (863) 462-5260 x3016
- Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Lee counties
Richard Batewell, P.E.
Phone: (239) 338-2929 x7757
- Glades, Highlands, Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie counties
Gary Priest, P.E.
Phone: (863) 462-5260 x3016
- Orange, Osceola and Polk counties
Richard Lott, P.E.
Phone: (407) 858-6100 x3812
- Pre-Application Meeting
- Broward, Glades, Highlands, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties
Morgan Reins
(561) 682-2149
- Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Lee Counties
Lisa Prather, PWS
(407) 858-6100 x3818
- Orange, Osceola and Polk counties
Courtney Knickerbocker
(407) 858-6100 x3821
- Pre-Application Meeting Requests
- All Counties
Guy Boisclair
(863) 462-5260 x3006
- Broward, Glades, Highlands, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties
Guy Boisclair
(863) 462-5260 x3008Gregory Vazquez, PWS
(561) 682-6053
- Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Lee counties
Richard Batewell, P.E.
(239) 338-2929 x7757
- Orange, Osceola and Polk counties
Richard Lott, P.E.
(407) 858-6100 x3812Courtney Knickerbocker
(407) 858-6100 x3821
- Pre-Construction Meeting Requests
- Broward, Glades, Highlands, Martin, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Okeechobee, Palm Beach, and St. Lucie counties
Natalie Cole, MS, PWS
(561) 682-6033
- Charlotte, Collier, Hendry and Lee counties
Rich Batewell, P.E.
(239) 338-2929 x7757
- Orange, Osceola and Polk counties
Lisa Prather, PWS
(407) 858-6100 x3818