How did we calculate the efficient use?
INDOOR - We used the following numbers: |
Clothes washer |
16 gals/load |
Dishwasher |
6.0 gals/load |
Faucet aerators |
1.0 gals/minute |
Toilet |
1.28 gals/flush |
Showerhead |
1.5 gals/minute |
Baths |
Substituted by a shower (1.5 gal/min showerhead) |
Flow ratings (gallons per minute) for showerheads and faucets/aerators are based on maximum possible flow, although most people do not routinely turn the water on all the way. For general estimation purposes, our calculator uses the full flow-rated number.
OUTDOOR - We assumed a 40% reduction in your current lawn watering use based on the benefits of applying Florida-friendly landscaping principles, drought tolerant plants and high-efficiency irrigation sprinklers. Depending on plant species and irrigation technology, your savings could be as high as 90%!
Calculations for current lawn watering amounts are based on the following assumptions: 5 irrigation zones per typical quarter-acre, 30 minutes per zone, 15 gallons per minute.