Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The idea is to locate containers, called geocaches, from outdoor locations based on their GPS coordinates, and then share your experiences online.
The South Florida Water Management District encourages the appropriate use of lands that are open for public recreation and has no objections to visitors using these lands for geocaching. To place a geocache site on SFWMD lands, you will need to obtain permission. Those placing or searching for geocaches should be aware that a number of land management activities regularly occur on these lands, which may include, but are not limited to:
- Prescribed Burning
- Construction Activities
- Roller-chopping
- Shredding
- Mowing
- Flooding
- Herbicide Application
Due to the nature of these activities, the SFWMD can assume no responsibility for damage that may occur to geocaches and/or their contents. Please keep in mind the potential for these activities when locating your caches. Digging, burying or cutting vegetation to place a geocache are prohibited activities on SFWMD lands. All access to and from geocache sites should be through designated access points, and geocaches must be located adjacent to designated hiking trails. As with other recreational activities on SFWMD lands you are asked to observe all rules and regulations RuleĀ 40E-7. On certain SFWMD lands where other agencies may be the lead land manager, then their policies concerning geocaching would apply.
To apply for permission to locate a geocache site on South Florida Water Management District (District) land, please use the Geocaching Request Form for the Land Management Area where the geocache is to be located.
SFWMD Geocaching Request Form
To apply for a geocache site on South Florida Water Management District (District) land, please provide the requested information below. Please note that submitting this application does not constitute establishment of an official geocache site. Each applicant must receive an e-mail from the District Land Manager of the Region indicating approval before an official geocache site is established.
In submitting this application, I agree to the following:
I understand that the District's Land Stewardship Division Regional Land Manager must first approve this exact location before the geocache is placed.
The cache will be placed within a container with dimensions not to exceed 1 cubic foot. The cache will be located adjacent to a designated trail, not placed within a wetland and will be located entirely above ground (no burying). The cache will be located within areas open and accessible to the public, and not attached to, under or on equipment, facilities, structures, bridges, walkways and boardwalks - or within areas the public is not authorized to access.
I will personally ensure that the site will be monitored monthly for signs of excessive use or disturbance and be kept clean of trash and debris.
I understand that the District's Land Stewardship Division will not be responsible for damage to the cache due to prescribed fire or any other management activity. The District reserves the right to remove the cache at any time without prior notice to the cache owner.
After one year from the date of approval, I will request an extension or relocation within the same management area or removal of the cache completely.