In recognition of World Water Day, the South Florida Water Management District (District) is highlighting the significant progress that continues to be made for the resiliency and restoration of the region’s water resources.
DID YOU KNOW: The District works year-round to advance and accelerate key projects that are improving water quality and the ecological health of South Florida’s natural resources, while ensuring an adequate water supply for our communities.
RESTORATION IS WORKING: Since January 2019, 75 Everglades projects have been completed, broken ground or hit a major milestone. These projects are making a measurable difference for water quality and the ecological health of South Florida’s natural resources.
PROTECTING OUR WATER RESOURCES: Recent data demonstrate that Everglades restoration is working, proving increased investments and continued momentum are successfully ensuring more natural flows through the Everglades and more balanced salinity levels in Florida Bay.
Adequate freshwater inflow from the Everglades coupled with rainfall is important to maintaining a delicate-yet-critical salinity balance in Florida Bay, which safeguards the health of vital seagrasses and supports spawning fish.
SUPPORTING THE HEALTH OF THE GREATER EVERGLADES: Together with our local, state, federal and tribal partners, the District continues to make significant progress on key projects that protect our water resources and increase water storage north, south, east and west of Lake Okeechobee.
ONGOING COMMITMENT: The District remains committed to advancing restoration projects that protect our water resources and continuing the significant momentum for Florida’s water resources. Major progress continues on projects such as the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) Reservoir Project, Caloosahatchee (C-43) Reservoir, the Picayune Strand Restoration Project and more.
We encourage you to visit SFWMD.gov/Restoration to learn more about the continued progress to enhance water quality for the benefit of people and the environment.