DYK: World Water Day Highlights the Continued Progress to Protect Our Water Resources

In recognition of World Water Day, the South Florida Water Management District (District) is highlighting the significant progress that continues to be made for the resiliency and restoration of the region’s water resources.

DID YOU KNOW: The District works year-round to advance and accelerate key projects that are improving water quality and the ecological health of South Florida’s natural resources, while ensuring an adequate water supply for our communities.

DYK: It’s Procurement Month: Learn About Business Opportunities with the District

In recognition of Procurement Month, the South Florida Water Management District (District) is highlighting our continued commitment to cultivating opportunities for businesses and the entrepreneurial community to help support our public service mission.

DID YOU KNOW: The District’s talented team of procurement professionals establishes contractual relationships with businesses across the state and nation to support the agency's programs, projects, and daily operations.

DYK: Explore the 2025 South Florida Environmental Report

The South Florida Environmental Report highlights another year of significant progress for Everglades restoration and water quality across Central and Southern Florida.

DID YOU KNOW: The South Florida Water Management District (District) makes it easy to access the extensive data, science, and comprehensive research included in the 2025 South Florida Environmental Report?

DYK: World Wildlife Day Highlights the District’s Efforts to Restore Natural Ecosystems

In recognition of World Wildlife Day, we are highlighting our continued efforts to protect and restore natural ecosystems that provide important habitat for native wildlife.

DID YOU KNOW: The South Florida Water Management District’s team of wildlife biologists, land managers and other staff work year-round to protect native wildlife, including the gopher tortoise, the crested caracara, the Eastern Indigo snake, the Everglade snail kite, Black-necked stilts, Florida burrowing owls and more.

DYK: Combating Invasive Species Protects Our Natural Ecosystems

In recognition of National Invasive Species Awareness Week, the South Florida Water Management District (District) is highlighting our ongoing efforts to reduce invasive species and ensure our continued ability to successfully manage and protect Central and Southern Florida’s natural ecosystems.

DID YOU KNOW: District staff work from Orlando to the Florida Keys to protect nearly 1.5 million acres of public land, natural areas, canals and levees from invasive species.

DYK: District Engineers Help Advance Key Infrastructure Projects

In recognition of Engineers Week, the South Florida Water Management District (District) is recognizing our talented team of engineers who work year-round to advance the District's public service mission.

DID YOU KNOW: District engineers help design and construct Everglades restoration, water management infrastructure, and resiliency projects that benefit Central and Southern Florida’s environment and protect our natural resources?

DYK: Celebrating the Women of the District

Today is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, and we are celebrating the women of the South Florida Water Management District (District) who help manage and oversee some of the largest and most complex restoration and water quality improvement projects in the world.

DID YOU KNOW: The District’s team of scientists, engineers and many other talented staff are working every day to safeguard and restore South Florida's water resources and ecosystems, protect communities from flooding, and meet the region's water needs.

DYK: World Wetlands Day Highlights Importance of Everglades Restoration

In recognition of World Wetlands Day, the South Florida Management District (District) is highlighting the significant progress that continues to be made to protect and restore our wetland ecosystems and ensure the resiliency of our water resources.

DID YOU KNOW: The District and our local, state, federal and tribal partners work year-round to advance the world’s largest wetland restoration effort – Restoring America’s Everglades.