Did you know that the Big Cypress Basin (BCB) is one of the two legislatively-set basins within the South Florida Water Management District's 16-county region? The Big Cypress Basin includes a network of over 140 miles of canals and 35 water control structures, while providing flood protection in Collier County.
The BCB is governed by board members from Collier County and represent a cross section of interests. Board members are unpaid citizen volunteers who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Florida Senate. They generally serve three-year terms.
Big Cypress Basin Board Members:
- Charlette Roman, BCB Chair and SFWMD At-Large Governing Board Member
- Dan Waters, BCB Vice-Chair
- Andy Hill
There are a lot of important projects in the works right now. In addition to the capital projects and enhanced monitoring and communications for flood control operations, the BCB is working with Audubon's Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary to evaluate nearby natural systems. The BCB is also working with local partners to improve water quality in Naples Bay.
In addition, the BCB sets the regional policy, budget and millage rate. Board members also work with stakeholders, as well as local governments and agencies to set the basin's priorities.
Board meetings are held five times a year to conduct the business of the BCB, and the board members welcome feedback from the public. You can provide comments to the board members during meetings where decisions are made.
Get more information about upcoming public meetings.