If you are seeking adventure or family fun, check out the Nubbin Slough STA in Okeechobee County. This is a convenient place to access a hiking trail, go biking, fishing and see wildlife such as Florida Sandhill Cranes, Snapping Turtles, American Bald Eagles, Eastern Meadowlarks and more from approximately seven miles of levees.
The recreation area is open every weekend from Friday to Monday from sunrise to sunset.
The purpose of the Nubbin Slough STA is to clean water going into Lake Okeechobee, which ultimately leads to a healthier Everglades.
This is accomplished by pumping water from Nubbin Slough at an inflow pump station, through an underground pipeline, into a 30-acre storage pond. The pond is located between two water treatment cells which form the STA. Water flows from the pond through an intermediary structure and enters Cell 1 of the STA. Gravity moves water from Cell 1 into Cell 2 through two additional structures. Treatment occurs as the water slowly flows through the STA. The treated water is discharged back to Nubbin Slough through outflow structures.
For More Information
- Please call the SFWMD recreation hotline at 866-433-6312 or email recreation@sfwmd.gov.
- The entrance is located on the east side of State Road 710 in southern Okeechobee County, a little over five miles southeast of downtown Okeechobee.
- View the trailhead parking area on the map below.
- The Nubbin Slough STA has a Port-a-John available for the public to use.