Many South Florida residents irrigate their yards year-round, with more than 50% of annual home water use being used for outdoor watering or irrigation. However, it is not uncommon for residents to apply double the amount of water (or more) than actually needed to maintain a healthy, vibrant landscape. South Florida yards normally only need to be irrigated up to twice a week for 15 minutes.
Did you know? Smart irrigation helps water users save money while protecting South Florida's water resources? A win/win.
To increase awareness around proper irrigation techniques, the Irrigation Association created the annual Smart Irrigation Month initiative; it is now celebrated throughout July to promote water conservation.
Check out these quick tips:
- Water in the early morning when winds are light and the ground is cool
- Conduct annual irrigation audits to ensure your system is working efficiently
- Use Florida-friendly landscaping, which includes the use of native Florida plants; SFWMD Headquarters is proud to use Florida-friendly landscaping!
- Use mulch when planting to conserve soil moisture
- Install rain/moisture sensors
- Replace older spray heads with newer drip irrigation models
- Know what day(s) and time(s) you can water based on year-round irrigation ordinances in your area!
Learn more about your impact on the environment and find more ways to conserve water for the benefit of people and the environment in South Florida.