Water Reuse
Water reuse plays an important role in water resource, wastewater and ecosystem management in Florida. When reclaimed water is used, it eases the demand on traditional, often limited, sources of water. By recycling or reusing water, communities can still grow while minimizing or even reducing their impact on the water resources around them.
Water reuse involves using highly treated domestic wastewater for a new purpose. Reclaimed water systems are continually monitored to ensure the health and welfare of the public and the environment are protected.
Using reclaimed water also reduces discharges to surface waters, recharges ground water and postpones costly capital investments in the development of new, more costly water sources and supplies.
Reclaimed water is an excellent water source:
- Creates wetlands and enhances restoration
- Recharges groundwater
- Irrigates golf courses, parks and other green spaces
- Meets urban demands for water to wash cars, flush toilets and maintain ponds and fountains
- Agriculture Irrigation
Reuse of Reclaimed Water supports current and future water needs by:
- Helping reduce stress on traditional sources of drinking water
- Reducing the disposal of treated wastewater
- Replenishing local groundwater resources
- Supporting economic growth in fresh water limited areas
Read More about Water Reuse.
The following items can be found on this page:
- A link to the South Florida Water Management District’s 2022 Annual Reclaimed Water Status Report
- This report provides insight into reclaimed water and reuse in the SFWMD, including, but not limited to, the background of reuse in the District; wastewater treatment levels and processes to produce reclaimed water; drivers of water reuse; and regulatory measures affecting reuse. In addition, the report provides summarized wastewater and reuse flow data for the 124 wastewater facilities within the District’s 16-county jurisdiction.
- A table showing a broad picture of reuse within the District by county and planning area in the year 2022 (2022 Reuse By Planning Area)
- A table showing how reuse was utilized within the District by county and planning area in the year 2022 (2022 Reclaimed Water Utilization)
- An interactive map showing the location of reuse facilities within the District (Water Reuse Facilities in South Florida)
South Florida Water Management District 2022 Annual Reclaimed Water Status Report June 2024

Map: Water Reuse Facilities in South Florida
An average of 908 million gallons per day (mgd) of reclaimed water is reused every day in Florida. Approximately 300 mgd of this reuse occurs within the 16-county area of the South Florida Water Management District.
On the map below, zoom in or type a location in the search bar to see water reuse infrastructure operating throughout South Florida. You can click on a facility, pipeline or reclaimed water user to get more information.