Corkscrew Watershed Initiative Public Planning Project
The Corkscrew Watershed Initiative (CWI) Project is a planning study that encompasses northern Collier County and southern Lee County. Previous studies and monitoring information have documented reduced hydroperiods and increased water level recession rates in the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, a critically important ecosystem, within the last 60 years. The project objectives are to develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve ecological restoration of the Corkscrew system by improving wetland hydroperiods and natural flows, while reducing flood risk in nearby flood-prone areas without adversely impacting the water supply and water management needs of the Corkscrew Watershed.
The project is funded by the SFWMD Big Cypress Basin (BCB), aligns with the mission of the Big Cypress Basin’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, and will contribute to the resiliency of the Big Cypress Watershed. A planning team, the Technical Working Group (TWG), comprised of SFWMD staff, representatives of local governments in the region and others with responsibility for the management of the Corkscrew Watershed will gather data and identify viable short and long-term strategies to achieve the CWI objectives. TWG participants include the City of Bonita Springs, Collier County, Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, CREW Land & Water Trust, Lee County, SFWMD staff, and the Village of Estero. This planning initiative will include stakeholder and public involvement and will take place over the next three years, with a final report to be provided in 2026.
Historical Documents
- Corkscrew Watershed Initiative Big Cypress Basin Board presentation (2023)
- Hydrologic changes over 60 years (1959-2019) in an old-growth bald cypress swamp on a rapidly developing landscape (2019)
- Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Hydrologic Modeling project Big Cypress Basin Board presentation (2021)
- Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary Hydrologic Modeling Project (Audubon) Final Report (2021)
- South Lee County Watershed Initiative Hydrological Modeling Project summary (Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership)
- South Lee County Watershed Initiative Hydrological Modeling Project Final Report, December 2021 (Coastal & Heartland National Estuary Partnership and LAGO Consulting and Services)
- CREW Management Area Ten-Year General Management Plan 2021-2031
- Southern Lee County Flood Mitigation Plan (2020)
- South Lee County Watershed Plan Update Final Recommendations, January 2011 (SFWMD and Lee County)
- South Lee County Watershed Plan, February 2003 (Agnoli Barber & Brundage, Inc.)
Project Maps
Planning Project Information
This three-year public planning project (FY 24-26) kicked-off in March 2024 with the first meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG), whose members are those with expertise in the Corkscrew Watershed and the ability to fund and implement projects in the study area. The TWG will provide input to the District Project Manager responsible for the project and will meet quarterly for the duration of the project. Public outreach and education meetings, with the opportunity to provide feedback, are also planned.
This study builds upon previous efforts to determine potential causes of the shortened hydroperiod documented at the Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. This project will develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve ecological restoration of the Corkscrew system and reduce flood risk in flood-prone areas, without adversely impacting water supply within the region. The scope of the project includes developing restoration goals, performance measures and metrics, and identifying viable solutions, which will be tested using modeling (Big Cypress Basin Watershed Model). An additional important goal of the project is to identify “low hanging fruit” strategies that can be expedited and advanced separately to design while the project continues. This project will result in a planning report and a Tentatively Selected Plan (TSP) with probable costs and funding options that outline the restoration alternatives and conceptual design plans that meet the intended restoration goals.
Corkscrew Watershed Initiative Work Plan
Data Discovery Technical Memorandum
To submit questions and comments, please email CorkscrewWatershedInitiative@sfwmd.gov.
Public Meetings
No upcoming meetings are scheduled at this time. Please check back frequently.
Past Meetings
First Public Meeting about the Corkscrew Watershed Initiative Project
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Meeting Agenda
Video Recording
Corkscrew Watershed Initiative Presentation